The boldness of one raised by his momma.

Hi there.

Yesterday we talked about a new distribution model and how it’s going to change the liquor business.

Yesterday, I also exposed myself as an idiot while talking about time blocking.

Idiot is when you say something stupid. Time Blocking is when you choose the right time to say it.

In this video I alluded to idea that I wouldn't need sexual harassment training required by the City of New York (evidence here).

As it turns out I DID need the training and actually enjoyed it. Definitely learned a thing or two.

So complements to the chef who cooked up this piece of training that was the opposite of the sterile, mundane, and easily forgotten training I expected.

Try it yourself HERE.



Jason Littrell

Author of Bartender as a Business, Marketing and Sales Coach, Podcaster, Dad. http// @jasonlittrell